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Finance Mandarin Reading Club: Will Rainey "Grandpa's Fortune Fables

11 Mar 2022, 4:00pm

Finance Mandarin Reading Club: Will Rainey "Grandpa

Finance Mandarin Reading Club: Will Rainey "Grandpa's Fortune Fables.

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Finance Mandarin Reading Club: Will Rainey "Grandpa

11 Mar 2022, 4:00pmpast event

Finance Mandarin Reading Club: Will Rainey "Grandpa's Fortune Fables.

Finance Mandarin Reading Club: Grandpa's Fortune Fables: Fun stories to teach kids about money Host: Vienne Lee VIP Speaker: Will Rainey Name of the event: Finance Mandarin Reading Club: Date: 11 March Friday 4-4:20 pm Mode: LIVE streaming online Speaker profile: Will Rainey Before focusing on helping parents teach their kids about money, Will was an awarding-winning investment consultant in London and Hong Kong, helping institutional clients invest billions of dollars for the long term. Key takeaways: Considered to be one of the best money books for kids, Grandpa’s Fortune Fables helps kids learn many of the lessons most adults today wish they were taught when they were growing up. The book uses stories to cover many important money topics so that kids (and parents) learn in a fun and memorable way. The book is based on a young girl called Gail. She is the granddaughter of one of the wealthiest people in the country. After meeting a new friend, she shares how her grandpa discovered the secrets of money whilst growing his Fortune Forest on a faraway island called Pucha-Pucha. Grandpa’s stories, which Gail shares, helps her friend learn how to earn, save and grow his money. Using seeds and trees to represent money, the stories are visual and easy to remember. After each story, Gail explains how she’s applying the lessons by starting a business, saving and investing her money. Grandpa’s Fortune Fables is the most comprehensive and fun guide to teaching your kids about money using stories. Whether children are reading the book themselves (age 8 and above reading level) or having it read to them, they will learn how to be great with money. Most parents want to teach their kids about money but don’t know where to start. Now they do … Grandpa’s Fortune Fables.

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1 case study

This Event content is built on 1 case study of the latest China market deals. You will learn the leaders and companies active in China's market.

Reading Club: Grandpas Fortune Fables - Fun Stories to Teach Kids About Money

Reading Club: Grandpas Fortune Fables - Fun Stories to Teach Kids About Money

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