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PBoC Yi Gang Video Speech:No free lunch, importance to educate investors & protect consumers
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PBoC Yi Gang Video Speech:No free lunch, importance to educate investors & protect consumers
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Yi Gang, born in 1958, is the Governor of the People's Bank of China since 2018. He is also the former Director of SAFE.
In this video, Yi Gang reiterated the importance of investor education and consumer protection. He emphasized that there is no such “Meat-pie drop down from the sky”, which is translated to ''the pie in the sky''.
The Chinese idiom ''the pie in the sky'' refers to something that is pleasant to imagine but unattainable or no free lunch.
In this topic, you will learn:
- how to protect yourself in the financial industry
- how to define good financial products
- how to present at a public conference
- how to present with confidence and naturally
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The key point and your take-away from this case study 'PBoC Yi Gang Video Speech:No free lunch, importance to educate investors & protect consumers'. Your learning combines both language skills and market knowledge.
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